South Way, Bognor Regis, PO21 5EZ Mon - Fri 7.30am - 6pm
01243 871044

Registration and Fees

We would love for you to come and have a look around our nursery. To book a visit please email

Once you and your child have visited and feel happy, secure and comfortable with our nursery’s atmosphere and ethos, we can discuss registering your child into our nursery.


  1. Firstly, we will negotiate with you the sessions that are available
  2. Secondly, we will ask you to complete a deposit form
  3. On accepting a place at our nursery, you will be asked for a deposit of £100 with £25 kept as an admin fee. The £75 will be deducted from the last month’s fees. The deposit is non-refundable if you choose not to take the reserved place
  4. Finally, you will receive a letter of acceptance and a welcome pack will be sent to you

A place at our nursery is deemed to be at least two sessions over two days. If you wish to withdraw your child from nursery, four weeks’ notice is required in writing. The Nursery Manager reserves the right to refuse entry to a child if, in her view, that is the appropriate course of action.

We are a fully inclusive nursery and encourage all parents/carers to share with us at the earliest stage, any concerns they may have regarding their child’s health, learning and development. We aim to work together with families to ensure the level of childcare we provide is appropriate to the circumstances surrounding the child and their family.